Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This peice I did for an assignment called "The Call".

Others did something pertaining to a phone. I wanted to do something new and different.

I was going to do something to do with the emotional side all girls go through..the breakup.

I used a shattered mirror, glass, paper, burned paper, burned foil, and a secret technique I cannot reveal at this time...I forgot. ^^

OH!! and the page I used had the words The dark Years. I thought it would fit.

I know how it feels to be broken up with..only happened once. I have had alot of friends who have had break ups and were "torn up" about it.

It's a double edge symbol..I think. ^///^

This master-peice is known as "It's too Late". The picture I drew with ink pens and some hints of paint. (It's my hand so I had to make it pretty.)

I drew it so it would look like someone was chasing her love who was about to leave her. I remembered it off a black and white movie I watched on TMC about six years ago.

The text that is in French is the song "It's too late to apologize" by Lil' Wanye...believe it or not.

I really like this peice. It's my best design thus far.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Musical Kanji (Music is life)

This peice was for the Fibbinaci sequence for art class...this peice kinda upset me while I was working on it..(I'm not exactly a steady handed painter).

But I think it looks kinda pretty with it's kanji which says "Music is Life".

In some way I painted the Music composition is somewhat of how I feel about the way that my love for music is never ending. ^^

"Music is life" is how I feel... and rock is how I roll. ^///^ Hahahaha... sorry I had to say it.

Well that's all I really have to say about this peice..I think I said enough.

Music Theory

Ooo!! I personally love this one. This is my peice for Music Theory. This really pushed me from my "ZONE". The beastie you see before you is known as Miyavi. As you know he's my personal favorite musician. ^///^ The little musical compostion took time and patience... all those little notes and....other thingies. My fingers almost cramped up while I was making them. ^o^ Oh..good times.

That little thingy that looks like a speaker..that's exactly what it is!! >.<>

(I finally have a way to make all the junk in my drawers into art!! Woohoo!!)

((It was broken for years so I thought a peice about music needs a speeker. How else would we hear this lovely music...besides going to a concert.....or creating music ourselves. ^^))

The chain and dog tag was placed in the peice to give it an "Errr.." "Rock" feeling. Hope it worked.

I don't know about your taste or anything...but rock is.. the greatest genre..ever created. ^^

Annyyywaaayy... yeah. I like this peice.

Post a comment ^^


((( I'd give you a hug or something...)))
