Thursday, March 5, 2009

Music Theory

Ooo!! I personally love this one. This is my peice for Music Theory. This really pushed me from my "ZONE". The beastie you see before you is known as Miyavi. As you know he's my personal favorite musician. ^///^ The little musical compostion took time and patience... all those little notes and....other thingies. My fingers almost cramped up while I was making them. ^o^ Oh..good times.

That little thingy that looks like a speaker..that's exactly what it is!! >.<>

(I finally have a way to make all the junk in my drawers into art!! Woohoo!!)

((It was broken for years so I thought a peice about music needs a speeker. How else would we hear this lovely music...besides going to a concert.....or creating music ourselves. ^^))

The chain and dog tag was placed in the peice to give it an "Errr.." "Rock" feeling. Hope it worked.

I don't know about your taste or anything...but rock is.. the greatest genre..ever created. ^^

Annyyywaaayy... yeah. I like this peice.

Post a comment ^^


((( I'd give you a hug or something...)))


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