Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This drawing was a peice for my altered book. I kinda made a mistake in the order I was supposed to draw it...but, it worked out.


I liked the way I made the eyes so sparkley and feminine. And for the hazel eye I wanted to drift from my zone and try darker skin. It Worked!! Yay!! The skills of manga drawing I have really helped with this drawing. I really liked how I drew this..

It needs some more.. but I'll be getting to that at a later date.


Future Formal

This peice was inspired by the idea of what Formal wear would look like in the future.
I believe that in the future formal wear would be completly different from what we consider it to be.
I also believe outfits will be as if the cultures have been blended and the outfits would show that.
Also the weather would be less predictible and clothing has to to be ready for anything.
"What comes around goes around.." And everything in fashion comes back in some way shape or form. ^^